BlauCool: new opportunities for creating comfort

BlauCool: new opportunities for creating comfort
We are pleased to share some good news with you. Blauberg Group is starting to supply its customers with BlauCool refrigeration equipment. Now the company’s product range includes a full range of climate control equipment capable of creating a comfortable turnkey indoor climate in any season in premises of all sizes and purposes.
Maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature, along with access to fresh air, plays a key role in ensuring a person’s well-being. Optimal temperature conditions help to increase concentration, productivity and overall comfort, as well as prevent fatigue and stress. The refrigeration equipment of our company allows you to effectively control the indoor climate in any premises and maintain a comfortable temperature at any time of the year.
The BlauCool product range includes the following climate systems:
- residential heat pumps: to heat and cool rooms in an eco-friendly and economical way;
- VRF systems: to provide flexible climate control in commercial and residential buildings;
- chillers: for cooling and heating systems in public and industrial buildings;
- fan coil units: for air conditioning systems in buildings for various purposes.
A key feature of BlauCool refrigeration equipment is its high energy efficiency, which will allow our customers to significantly reduce energy costs and minimize their carbon footprint. As in the past, Blauberg relies on innovative technologies and modern, environmentally friendly materials to offer the market products that are fully up to date.
Along with increasing our equipment production, we also envision great potential in the realm of cooling equipment, especially in the context of the global trend towards towards energy saving and eco-friendliness. Our new direction will become a logical continuation of the company’s mission to create reliable and energy-efficient products for a comfortable and sustainable future by utilizing cutting-edge technology.
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