09 février 2016

In 2016 BLAUBERG Ventilatoren GmbH joined IGDWL.

Lending further credence to its technological leadership in the European ventilation market and staying committed to building lasting and lucrative partnerships in 2016 BLAUBERG Ventilatoren GmbH joined IGDWL (Interessensgemeinschaft der Dezentralen Wohnungsluftun) ­– an industrial association of single-space ventilation equipment manufacturers.

The primary goal of IGDWL is protecting the interests of ventilation equipment manufacturers in Germany. The organization activities are focused on developing new European standards and regulatory practices for single-space ventilation units aimed to improve their energy efficiency. In particular its representatives are engaged in matters specific to ventilation equipment identification to contain such mandatory markings as energy efficiency class, noise level as well as other technical parameters.

By joining IGDWL Blauberg has further acknowledged its reputation of a reliable European supplier of ventilation equipment which meets most demanding energy and safety standards.
